Calculate Your High School GPA

Use this free GPA calculator to calculate your Hight School GPA and download the results as a pdf document or image.

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How to use the High School GPA Calculator

  1. Add Class Name and Your Letter Grade

    To start the calculation, enter the class name (optional) and select letter grade from the dropdown list. You can add and edit any number of classes for each semester. Add Class Name and Your Letter Grade
  2. Add Your Class Credits

    Then enter the current value of earned credit hours for each class. Typically, in high school the number of credits is 3 or 4. Also you can use the weighted add-on for a more accurate calculation. Add Your Class Credits
  3. See the Result of Your GPA Calculation

    After you have completed all the fields, our calculator will immediately show your high school GPA (Grade Point Average). Now you can download this calculation as a pdf document or image. See the Result of Your GPA Calculation
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Why High School GPA is important

High School GPAYou are on this amazing new educational journey, during which you will learn so much about life, sports, growing up, and yourself. Brand new notebooks, pencils and bags all set and ready, but hey, don’t forget about this one crucial thing: your High-school GPA. If you are planning on going to College, if you need to earn a scholarship, or if you simply want to have a competitive advantage in your studies, you should calculate your High-school GPA on a regular basis.
Why is it important to maintain a good GPA (Grade Point Average)? When applying to Universities, a high GPA can open doors that, in other cases, probably wouldn’t be opening. Moreover, you want to have a few projects and activities on the side for that College application, which is only possible if you maintain a good GPA. So, alongside pencils and notebooks, you should keep a reminder to calculate your GPA and see how you stand. If there are any glitches in your system, you’ll spot them early on and fix the errors. To keep track of your grades we’ve provided you with this simple High-school GPA calculator that will enable you to see how well you’re doing. By adding grades and credit hours, you will get your average grade. Keep in mind that 3.0 is considered to be an optimal GPA if you’re planning to apply to Universities. we’ve provided you with this simple High-school GPA calculator that will enable you to see how well you’re doing. By adding grades and credit hours you will get your average grade. Keep in mind that 3.0 is considered to be an optimal GPA if you’re planning to apply to Universities.

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